Royal Society of Chemistry Poster Awards
Award by RSC Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Journal
Title: Driving Chemical Reactions with polaritonCondensates
Authors: SindhanaPannir-Sivajothi
Sindhana Pannir-Sivajothi
Award by Nanoscale Journal Family
Title: Metal insulator transition in Vanadium Dioxide Inspected by Analytical Electron Microscopy
Authors: Jan Krpenský, Michal Horák, Jakub Planer, Peter Kepic, Jiri Kabát, Tomás Sikola, Andrea Konecna, Vlastimil Krapek
Jan Krpenský
The Organizers are very proud to announce the Metamaterials 2023 Royal Society of Chemistry Poster Awards, one sponsored by the Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) journal and the other by the nanoscale journal family (Nanoscale, Nanoscale Advances, Nanoscale Horizons).
The awards will be announced at the closing ceremony and consists of:
- RSC branded certificate,
- £200 RSC book voucher
- free RSC membership for 1 year.